Announcement on Bella(BEL) Liquidity Mining and Airdrop

Dear community members,
We are very excited to announce that Bella(BEL) Liquidity Mining will start at 8pm on Sept 28th, UTC+8.
The initial set of pools are Uniswap LP token pools, users will need to obtain the Uniswap LP token by providing liquidity for BEL/USDT, BEL/ETH, ARPA/USDT on Uniswap and then stake the LP token on to get BEL rewards.
How to mine BEL:
- Provide liquidity for BEL / USDT, BEL / ETH, ARPA / USDT on Uniswap
- Stake your Uniswap LP token on and start mining BEL!
BEL Reward:
BEL/USDT Pool: 25,000 / Week for the first week
BEL/ETH Pool: 12,500 / Week for the first week
ARPA/USDT Pool: 12,500 / Week for the first week
Reward will be adjusted corresponding to the actual demand and participation.
Reward Multiplier:
The reward multiplier for BEL/ETH and BEL/USDT pools will increase by 0.0167x per day, and max out at 2x after 60 days. Reward multiplier will be reset to 1x if users withdraw LP tokens or claim BEL reward. ARPA/USDT pool reward multiplier will always remain 1x.
We believe this will further increase the liquidity of BEL token, and bring extra benefit to BEL holders and supporters.
Bella Token(BEL) contract address: 0xa91ac63d040deb1b7a5e4d4134ad23eb0ba07e14
Uniswap Liquidity Pool:
About Bella(BEL) Airdrop to ARPA Holders
On September 17, the Bella Protocol Foundation released an announcement to conduct a BEL airdrop for ARPA holders.
The total amount of the airdrop is 2,000,000 BEL. The airdrop will be distributed quarterly to ARPA holders and there will be eight(8) rounds of airdrops in total.
Bella Foundation will transfer BEL to our partner exchanges and the exchanges will assist in the distribution of BEL token to ARPA holders. Current partner exchanges include: Binance, Huobi Global, Bithumb,, KuCoin, MXC, HBTC,
The snapshot of your ARPA holdings will be taken daily on partner exchanges from Sept 30 to Oct 15.
The first snapshot will happen at 00:00 UTC+8 on Sept 30. Snapshot will take place daily at the last Ethereum block height before 00:00 UTC+8 each day. The airdrop ratio of ARPA:BEL = 5000:1.
Exact details of airdrops, such as announcement time, snapshot time, and the disbursement time will be subject to the discretion of our partner exchanges and might vary slightly from exchanges to exchanges.
Please allow ample time to transfer your ARPA tokens to exchanges in order to participate in each round of airdrop.
Bella Foundation
September 25, 2020
About Bella
Bella is a suite of open finance products including automated yield farming tools, lending protocol, 1-click savings account, customized robo-advisor, and more. We believe everyone deserves equal access to premium financial products and services with elegant design and smooth user experience.
Bella brings your familiar mobile banking into crypto with just one click. With Bella, you can just simply sit back, watch your asset grow, and leave all the heavy-lifting to secure, automated smart contracts.
Bella’s core team consists of serial entrepreneurs and blockchain veterans who have tremendous experience and proven track record in finance, cryptography, blockchain, and engineering.
For more information about Bella, or to join our team,
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